Helping You Connect With The World

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We believe that you would be an excellent addition to our team, and we are looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about you.


  • Healthcare
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Bookkeeping
  • Taxes
  • Utility
  • Fashion/Jewelry
Working from home
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New York






District of Columbia


We are not accepting applicants

in these areas:

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  • Currently in the U.S.
  • Have office equipment
  • Ability to pass assessment
  • Qualified background check
  • In a restricted state
  • Failing Assessment
  • Not 18 years or older
  • Unqualified background check

Looking for a 1099 opportunity?

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Secure a 100% Remote Position

Bi-Weekly Pay

Training is provided

Create your own schedule

Working From Home Office

Description Of Opportunities

  • Place outbound calls to list of client’s service providers
  • assistance to resolve the customer’s needs
  • Possible outbound calls to client, client’s customers and/or client account representatives for status and clarification purposes.
  • Transfer inbound calls or outbound calls to other client-designated internal support departments or client account representatives
  • Outbound coordination to client’s service providers & possible follow up calls for clarification and/or additional calls for secondary services
  • 100% remote customer service representative answering customer's questions about product or service
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Will I come out of pocket for anything upfront?

No. There are no costs up front. You only pay $30 for the background check once you've decided on the client you want to serve.

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Am I responsible for my own taxes?

Yes. As a 1099 independent contractor with our company, you are responsible for taxes. Taxes are not deducted during payroll.

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Can I work for two companies at once?

Yes. You can serve two companies but the certification classes cannot overlap. Complete one class before picking up another opportunity.

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How much is the service revenue?

Each client has different rates. The pay varies between $10-$18.

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Do I need to provide the equipment?

Yes. You will need to provide your own equipment. Please check out the financing options available.

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Is this a full time or part time position?

It is totally up to you how often you service. You are in control of your schedule but you must work 15 hours minimum each week.

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Why are certain states restricted?

Due to telephone laws and restrictions, some states do not allow 1099 platforms in their areas.

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I have a profile on Arise, what to do next?

Please reach out to us for further instructions or login to Arise and go to documents. Under documents you will select terminate MSA. If you are under an IBO they would need to release you.

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Why is the training unpaid?

Independent contractors do not fall under labor employee rights. Please visit the IRS website to learn more.

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Do I need to have previous experience?

No. Previous experience is not required. You will be trained for the position.